August was moving month.
September was Katie's wedding month.
October was sick month. (formerly known as birthday month)
I'm officially declaring November get back into a routine month.
I'm bound and determined for that routine to include blogging. For starters, some photos of a wonderful walk Bear and I had between our colds and our flu.

The morning we took it, nothing was planned. It was quite chilly, but sunny, and we needed something to do before lunch. We bundled up, got out the wagon and headed down the street. Rather than sticking to the street, I decided we might head into the woods. Bear decided he didn't want to stay in the wagon. This was fine with me; he stuck to the trail and was a fabulous junior hiker. This was true both down the hill and back up.

The next day, we carved our pumpkin. Bear wasn't quite as into the activity as I expect he will be in a couple of years. But, I was perfectly pleased with how well he did cooperate.

And, we did attempt Halloween dress-up ...

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